In Waukee, IA, there are a variety of lawn insects that you'll want to be on the lookout for, as they can cause either cause damage to your lawn or bite you, your loved ones, or your pets. Some common insects that typically infest lawns in this area include grubs, armyworms, chinch bugs, and chiggers. Grubs are the larvae of beetles and will feed on the roots of grass. Armyworms are a species of caterpillar that can devour grass. Chinch bugs suck the sap out of grass and release a toxin that eventually kills it. Chiggers are mite larvae that hide in shaded areas before latching onto passing hosts, such as humans and pets, and feed off of them. To keep yourself and your lawn safe from these pests, it's ideal to eliminate them before they become a problem!
Grubs are beetle larvae that feed on the roots of grass.
Grubs are the larvae of beetles and can be identified by their tiny C-shaped bodies. These tiny pests usually hatch in the summer and will start to immediately feed on the roots of grass. As they do this, the roots can become detached from the soil, preventing your grass from accessing the nutrients and resources it needs to thrive. The best way to deal with these pests is to invest in preventative treatments. These treatments work by sinking into the soil and eliminating newly hatched grubs before they have a chance to start feeding.
The best way to control grubs is with preventative grub control treatments, which will target the grubs during their early life stages when it's the easiest to eliminate them.
Armyworms are a species of caterpillar that eat blades of grass, leaving only the stems.

Armyworms are a caterpillar species that eventually turn into moths. Adult moths lay their eggs on blades of grass or structures near healthy turf and the armyworms will immediately begin feeding once they hatch. They're mostly gray with white markings and a yellow upside-down "Y" on their heads and are noticed most often during the summer. Armyworms can cause damage to turfgrass in only a few hours! They'll eat the grass blades, which gives lawns a scalped or scorched look. It's best to eliminate them before they're able to cause this type of damage. Preventative armyworm treatments will target the armyworms before they can reach this stage, ensuring your lawn is protected.
Chinch bugs are common pests that suck sap from grass and release toxins that eventually kill it.

One of the most common turf pests in Iowa is the chinch bug. These bugs are usually bright orange with a white band on their back in their early stages. As they develop, they transition to a dark red and then black. In the final stage of development, they're black with white wings. These pests damage grass by sucking the sap from them while feeding, and in the process, also release a toxin. This toxin turns the grass yellow and eventually kills it. If not controlled, chinch bugs can cause large areas of your lawn to die. The best way to protect your lawn is to stop the chinch bugs with a preventative treatment before they cause damage, which typically happens during the summer.
Chiggers are the larvae of mites and hide in shaded areas before attaching to their prey.
Certain mite larvae are known as chiggers and are mostly bright red but can be orange or yellow as well. Adults can lay multiple eggs per day. Once they hatch, chiggers will crawl to a shaded area and wait for their prey. Humans or animals that pass by are subject to these itchy pests. Once they attach to their host, they'll feed on the skin, causing severe itching. Preventative chigger control treatments will stop them before they become a problem!
Stay protected from common lawn insects by scheduling our lawn insect control service.
At Brilliant Borders Landscaping, we've been in business for 19 years and know the habits and lifecycles of grubs, armyworms, chinch bugs, and chiggers and offer preventative treatments to eliminate them before they become a problem. When you sign up for our lawn insect control service, we will come out to your property five times between May and September and treat your property with a two-part preventative pest treatment that breaks the reproductive cycle of unwanted pests for the best results. We offer this service to commercial and residential properties in Waukee, IA, and other surrounding cities, such as Urbandale, Ankeny, West Des Moines, and others. Contact us today at (515) 664-6205 to sign up!
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